The Deep Adaptation Forum is volunteer led. The vibrancy, creativity, and resilience at the heart of the DA Forum come from an extensive network of active volunteers. The Forum has no regularly paid staff. Volunteers play an essential role in energizing the Forum and enabling it to function.
There are, from time to time, specific volunteering opportunities within the Forum. But usually, people join, make connections and find collaborators, and create ways of bringing their passion and expertise in service of “enabling and embodying loving responses” to our predicament. Our Charter articulates our aspirations and expectations about how we will engage together within the Forum. If you are interested in joining the volunteer community, please start a conversation via the DAF Community Space, a DA Zoom event, or our private Facebook Group. Please tell us a little bit about yourself – what skills, experience or expertise you’d like to bring to the Forum, or ways in which you feel drawn to contribute.
To learn more about some of the amazing individual volunteers who are the life and soul of the DA Forum, see our Credits Page.