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Tag: relinquishment

Roiling Soil and Cyclical Re-Turn – Honouring lives given and taken

by Sarah-Jane Menato As light lengthens days in the north and shortens them in the south, re-adjustments are underway, again. Everyone I know has made unexpected adaptations in the past months, and one for me has been “online” as an on-going and significant aspect of my life. Zoom has...

events, relinquishment

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There’s an urgent need to slow down: allowing ‘maplessness’ as we lose our bearings

Over the last two years working to establish and nurture the Deep Adaptation Forum, I have often encountered people who express a desire for more answers, actions and impact. Given the latest news about how fast the environment is changing, and how many people and species are suffering, it feels...

deep adaptation, facilitation, relinquishment, unlearning

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