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Groups Affiliated with the DA Forum

Are you active with groups that promote the principles and ideas of the Deep Adaptation Forum? Then please read about the Affiliated Groups Network.

As the topics of Deep Adaptation and social collapse spread around the world, people are setting up new groups that are aligned with, and actively promoting, Deep Adaptation. Each of these groups may have a specific geographical, linguistic, or thematic focus. Some, but not all, use the Facebook platform.

The Affiliated Groups Network gathers groups with a strong connection with Deep Adaptation under one umbrella to encourage alignment with the wider movement. As of 2022, there are 23 DA-Affiliated Groups worldwide, from the Pacific Northwest to Australia, and from Norway to South Africa. See the map below. Groups that register for affiliation will be invited, if they wish, to provide and receive advice, including in a peer-to-peer format. The aim is to promote and embody the philosophy and principles of DA gatherings both online and face-to-face around potentially difficult topics. Another goal is to reduce dependency on Facebook, by asking affiliated groups to invite their participants, upon sign-up, to register for DA newsletters.

Would you like to register your own group as part of this network? Please find guidelines here

If you have any concern about an affiliated group, please contact Dorian Cavé, Community Weaver, through our website contact form.

Are you interested in organising a local gathering with people where you live? See the Deep Live Gathering page.

affiliated groups, local groups