Tag: climate grief
by Kimberley Hare
Last Tuesday, I presented at my local Accident & Emergency Department with severe chest and arm pain and shortness of breath. The doctors suspected I was having a heart attack, and so I spent the next seven hours having tests of all kinds. Eventually, they ruled...
Gone: One Beautiful Bird
by Trebbe Johnson
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recently proposed removing 23 species of animals and plants from the Endangered Species List. Occasionally there are species, such as the Gray Wolf and the Northern Brown Kiwi, that are removed from this list because their populations have...
biodiversity, climate grief, extinction, Remembrance Day for Lost Species
Climate psychology & collapse – DAF Q&A with Jasmine Kieft
Jasmine Kieft is a Clinical Psychologist Registrar, a member of the leadership team of the Climate Justice Union in Western Australian, a mother of young children, and a member of the Deep Adaptation Forum. She recently published – with Jem Bendell – a review of the relevant...
climate grief, coping with emotions, psychology, research, wellbeing
Why make time to feel when there is a world to save?
In an outcome-oriented world, we think that despair would be useless, and therefore somehow immoral to allow ourselves to fall into.