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DA Forum Finances

As of fiscal year-end March 31, 2024

DAF’s income and expenses are reported in British Pounds Sterling.

  • April 2021 to March 2022 Income: £57,440 / Expenses: £55,380
  • April 2022 to March 2023 Income: £62,270 / Expenses: £67,860
  • April 2023 to March 2024 Income: £11,800 / Expenses: £10,540
  • Donations to DAF in 2023-2024 (not including special projects) averaged £980 per month from 50 donors.
  • DAF expenses in 2023-2024 (not including special projects) averaged £880 per month.
  • In the 2024-2025 fiscal year, donations average £700 per month. Volunteers will manage expenses to stay below that amount and will raise new funds for special projects. Thanks to the Core Team’s efforts in previous years, DAF maintains a healthy surplus of about £10K for contingencies.

The Schumacher Institute, a registered UK charity, is the legal entity in charge of DAF’s income and expenses. The Schumacher Institute charges a 3% commission for handling DAF’s income and expenses and reports its accounts to the relevant regulators in the UK.

DAF’s income and expenses (except for credit card charges) are published on Open Collective where DAF also gratefully receives donations. Please join the existing donors there if you can. Thank you!