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Tag: diversity

Leading through storms

Cat Jenkins, reviewing Prof Jonathan Gosling’s contribution to the book Deep Adaptation: navigating the realities of climate chaos: Chapter 9 Leadership and Management in a context of Deep Adaptation. Invited to review Jonathan Gosling’s contribution to this recent book, edited by Professors...

adapting, collapse, deep adaptation, diversity, emergent leaders, leadership, plurality, societal collapse

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How Racism and Colonialism shape the Climate Crisis and Climate Action

Racism, colonialism, and other forms of oppression, are baked deep into our global predicament. This much won’t be surprising to anyone awake to how the climate catastrophe is unfolding around the world. It may be more surprising, however, that racism and colonialism are still very much at play...

anti-racism, climate agreements, decolonising, diversity, solidarity

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Towards addressing racism and white supremacy culture in the work of the Deep Adaptation Forum

by the DAF Diversity and Decolonising Circle If you have spent time in Deep Adaptation Forum (DAF) spaces, whether in the DA Facebook group, the Professions’ Network, in other circles, or taking part in DAF events, you will be aware that these spaces are predominantly white, western,...

decolonising, dismantling racism, diversity, get involved

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