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The DAF blog aims to bring together a variety of voices and perspectives to speak to how we are adapting to disruption and collapse.
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Tag: get involved

What will support us in enabling loving responses to our predicament?

In December 2020 I volunteered to carry out some research for the Deep Adaptation Forum, to find out what people across the community want and need, in terms of learning, unlearning, support and resources.   I held three meetings on Zoom, an hour and a half each, with members of the...

get involved, learning, support, volunteer

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Towards addressing racism and white supremacy culture in the work of the Deep Adaptation Forum

by the DAF Diversity and Decolonising Circle If you have spent time in Deep Adaptation Forum (DAF) spaces, whether in the DA Facebook group, the Professions’ Network, in other circles, or taking part in DAF events, you will be aware that these spaces are predominantly white, western,...

decolonising, dismantling racism, diversity, get involved

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We need not be enemies in the climate movement

Hundreds of scientists and scholars have spoken out, calling for a more honest and sober discussion about the increasing likelihood of societal disruption, breakdown and collapse due to environmental change. The weight and urgency of their call must not be ignored or disregarded. Surveys...

climate science, collapse, get involved, reconciliation

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