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The DAF blog aims to bring together a variety of voices and perspectives to speak to how we are adapting to disruption and collapse.
We welcome contributions.
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Deeply Adapting with Pleasure

We think we have to get to the bottom of that to-do list before we can slow down. We  resort to shallow “self-care” that’s more about consumption than deep care for our being. We bypass so many moments of possible delight, like relishing the nuance of a morning coffee.

awareness, beauty, connectedness, embodiment, Health, oneness, pleasure, resilience, slow down

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Deranged, unbalanced, anxious, the earth cries and slouches toward infinity without a rudder, or barrels toward tomorrow, devastating the coast, flinging cars, this cancer born of progress, the tumor too much, too fast, too big to fail. A deep breath after a chaotic...


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New Year 2023

The year completes herself, “I’m done now.” The New Year comes to take over our world, to enter our bodies and minds. She might pop up over the hill, singing, Or she emerges gently through parting clouds, She might stride down Main Street announcing herself, We never know who she is, what she...


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