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The DAF blog aims to bring together a variety of voices and perspectives to speak to how we are adapting to disruption and collapse.
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Deranged, unbalanced, anxious,

the earth cries and slouches

toward infinity without a rudder,

or barrels toward tomorrow,

devastating the coast, flinging cars,

this cancer born of progress,

the tumor too much, too fast,

too big to fail.

A deep breath after a chaotic night,

eastern sky just slightly lighter

than the black tree silhouettes,

cool moist end-of-August air,

serpents rise in calm defense,

these species on the edge

may strike or slither away,

it’s hard to know.

Images, questions, ideas,

expectations, emotions, responses

explode into consciousness

and dissolve without equilibrium

or resolution,

to slide into the eye of god,

immortalized on the cedar stele,

that finally after eons disintegrates.

About the author and the poem:

“The island where I live, located a short distance off the Maine, North American coast, lies at the epicenter of climate change amidst competing futures, sea-level rise, Wabanaki occupied territory, income disparity, species migrations and a plethora of earth-community ills and opportunities. A massive beaver flowage encountered deep in the Maine wilderness altered my life 50 years ago as I struggled with inner and social conflicts. Now, I manage a conservation land trust and make walking sticks (, both occupations committed to helping us co-exist in a tumultuous time. As a recovering journalist, I remain interested in words, stories and the state of the world. I hope “Deranged,” a Derrick Jensen, Gary Snyder, Swami Mutananda, Mesoamerican inspired stream of consciousness narrative, resonates in your heart.”

Image and words by Steve Miller



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