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Igor Polskiy

Facilitation Coordinator

Igor is a Master of cultural studies, has a PhD in social philosophy, is a community trainer, writer and a board member of Russian Ecovillage and Eco-initiative Union (GEN-Russia). During the last years Igor was immersed deeply into ecophilosophy and anticipation of civilizational collapse, as well as the world beyond it. In his first essay around this topic Igor wrote: “People tend to stick to the existing picture of the world and follow social norms to the last, people hope and cling to the habitual. Paradoxically, even in a situation of crisis it turns out that it is easier to be optimistic than to recognize the catastrophe”

For a few years Igor has facilitated events such as “Seeds of action. Post-apocalyptic hopelessness and hope”, “Post-crisis immersion” and the “New story of the Earth” transformative course, which included the Deep Adaptation four questions. Now Igor is joining the DAF team in order to strengthen an international web of people, who are ready to face the reality, to process what comes and to act with courage and compassion.

Principal responsibilities:

The overarching aim of these tasks is to promote and develop the practice of facilitation as it relates to Deep Adaptation; supporting people in enabling and embodying loving responses to our predicament.

DA Facilitators

  • With volunteers, enable and maintain a lively and growing community of practice of Deep Adaptation facilitators, centred around the DA Facilitators’ Facebook group
  • Coordinate hosting of regular facilitated online spaces for members of the wider DAF ecosystem, that are free to participants, including, but not limited to Deep Listening & Deep Relating
  • Support volunteers to develop their own practice, in line with the aims of DAF and the DA Facilitation Principles.
  • Ensure gatherings are held in accordance with ‘DA Facilitation Guidelines’
  • Collaborate with other relevant practitioners (within and outside DAF) to contribute to the development of communities of practice in line with DA principles and values
  • Other activities aiming towards propagation of principles and communities of practices for the facilitation of spaces, online and offline, which support people to engage in more loving conversations about collapse, and create change (inner and outer) for reducing harm in the face of unfolding societal collapse

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