DAF Non-violence Statement
The Deep Adaptation Forum (DAF) is committed to non-violent means of seeking social and political change in a context of societal disruption and collapse. This is because violent means are incompatible with peaceful ends, and are completely in opposition to DAF’s mission to enable loving responses to our predicament.
In only supporting non-violent action, DAF strives to align ourselves with established international principles, frameworks and leaders for non-violence including Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s six principles of non-violent action; the principle of satyagraha, expounded by Mahatma Gandhi; and UN General Assembly resolution A/RES/61/271 (2007) on the International Day of Non-violence.
DAF Charter
This living Charter is meant to shape and guide our aspiration to embody loving responses to our predicament.
Avoiding Authoritarian Responses to our Predicament
We want the Forum to be a welcoming space for all who are waking up to difficult realisations about societal disruption and collapse; and we’re committed to non-violence in both action and words.
DA Forum Governance
DAF is a living, evolving entity. This Governance model emerged in September 2023. Many dedicated people infused DAF with their hearts, energies and abilities. Some have moved on, while many others are still active. To honor the efforts of all who came before, a chronicle of DAF’s governance journey is underway. It will be published […]
The Functional Circles & General Circle of DAF Governance
DAF is a living, evolving entity. A new governance model emerged in September 2023. Many dedicated people infused DAF with their hearts, energies and abilities. Some have moved on, while many others are still active. To honor the efforts of all who came before, a chronicle of DAF’s governance journey is underway. It will be […]
DA Forum Finances
As of fiscal year-end March 31, 2024 DAF’s income and expenses are reported in British Pounds Sterling. The Schumacher Institute, a registered UK charity, is the legal entity in charge of DAF’s income and expenses. The Schumacher Institute charges a 3% commission for handling DAF’s income and expenses and reports its accounts to the relevant […]
The Deep Adaptation Forum would welcome any financial support you can offer via OpenCollective.